
Can You Use A Straight Talk Phone On Verizon



This visitor is the near horrible…

This visitor is the near horrible company I've ever had to deal with. My son who is 13 sent a bunch of emojis to his friends in a group conversation and I guess it sparked something and they permanently disabled his phone. They could never explicate why. On height of this they refuse to unlock it so I tin utilize it somewhere else. They say it's not eligible. And then I just bought this phone and now I tin can't utilize it with them or anyone else and I'm out of luck. I have been a longtime customer and I feel extremely violated and feel like they're treating united states of america as criminals. All because my son was being a typical teenager.

straight talk is worse than terrible

I just spent a very long time, my whole evening, on the phone with various directly talk customer service techs, and absolutely none of them have any skill at all. They are so heavily absolute that you cant understand what they say, they talk to fast, they dont listen, and they DONT Ready YOUR Problem. I demanded to talk to a supervisor, and supposedly I got i, and that went nowhere. Then I again demanded to talk to a supervisor, and was again connected with someone who is purportedly one. He jerked me effectually, and got me even more than furious. Then he lied to me, and said that he would phone call me dorsum in 30 minutes. It has been almost an hour and one-half at present, and no call back. My phone problem nonetheless exists, information technology is non fixed, and it looks like I am going to terminate my account with them. They dont value their long time customers, nor do they have anyone with any real level of technical expertise to troubleshoot. They are a total joke. If you have skilful service with them, then enjoy it. When something goes wrong, and you phone call their tech support, things will go s very quickly, and your experience will be similar to mine. I have put upwardly with them since about 2008 or so, and this is it. Stay away from straight talk. You will be taking lisinopril before it is all over. If you enjoy beingness lied to and jerked around, this is the carrier for you lot.

Straight Talk SUCKS!!!

Straight Talk SUCKS!!!! I use to have my whole family of 5 with them....merely things change...and y'all motion on. Notwithstanding, merely recently I bought my son a make new Straight Talk phone and monthly programme....first month went fine...then I refilled his service and on day two...he was on a call and in the center of the but asunder. That was 18 days ago....the phone has non worked since!! He has spent hours on the phone with them...first they said your sim card is bad...we'll send you a new one...that didn't work!! So subsequently his terminal two.5 hr conversation with them, they said we will send you a replacement phone...information technology volition make it in 2-iii business organization's been a full week...never received a phone. So he called them once more...this is literally the 15th telephone call to prepare this issue...they told him....No, we will non send you a replacement phone until you send usa your phone!!! Pure BS!!! Lies after lies, non-English speaking customer service reps...that provide NO SERVICE AT ALL!!! WILL NEVER Waste MY Money ON STRAIGHT TALK....Always AGAIN!!!

I will never use this carrier ever…

I volition never use this carrier ever once more. My bank account was drafted for my monthly charge on the same day I bought a new phone through a different carrier and I was refused a refund of any amount for the service I was charged for. NEVER again volition I employ straight talk. This is unbelievable

The phone service works well; website sucks

I've had very little bug with the phone working and I've had the phone service for around 8 years (I forget exactly when I started and, obviously, cannot check my business relationship to exist sure). I tin add airtime via my telephone. But I got a message that the website had been compromised and I should change my pin. Take hold of-22 is that I couldn't log in!

I've had problems in the by with the site screwing up the login. Anyhow, I decided to wait for another carrier (all the same looking), merely randomly tried logging in some days afterward. I was able to log in and-barely-able to change my pin and password.

Today, I decided to log in to run across how the site is working. I could log in, just information technology won't let me do annihilation. It has some kind of warning that it can't do what I desire at this fourth dimension. Backside the pop-up, I tin see that information technology says I have no phones with service, which is a large lie because my phone is near me correct now and works just fine.

So, the telephone itself (which I bought from Walmart and is a Straight Talk phone - probably my 4th Straight Talk phone) gets v stars because it works well, and the website (and the fact that I cannot e-mail nor chat with Support - they used to have a chat box) gets between 0 and 1 star.

This carrier is non worth your time

At first, straight talk was doing well for me. It was an upgrade from basic tracphone, and I received better service where I alive. However, now I am fed up with this service provider and will be switching immediately. The $45 and $55 options annunciate hight speed data up to a sure corporeality. The speed I take experienced using this is about 2Mbps, which is even slower than slow internet. However this is not the only issue I accept experienced.
I recently upgraded from the $45 program to the $55 programme for the mobile hotspot (which my phone is capable of doing). The same mean solar day of purchase, I ended up being on the phone with customer support off and on for about vii hours. I believe I called effectually nine times total, none of them existence able to help. I was eventually transferred to corporate, who finally told me that I would need to buy a new phone (which is a big investment). I asked if I could just receive a refund for the program I had purchased (remember, the same day), to which I was denied a refund for whatsoever reason. Speeds are lackluster to say the least, customer service is lacking, and overall my experience has been extremely negative with this company. Do non purchase straighttalk, you will be disappointed.

My telephone is not sending caller ID info

My phone is non sending caller ID info. My customers volition not answer the telephone because it says private calling. I have called and been on agree and been hung upwards on for over 2 hours and eight calls. I simply want my phone to tell other people who I am.
After going through the same story with dissimilar people they transfer me just to get hung up on. Client service is very poor at the to the lowest degree. All they tin can practise is repent.

Worst service ever

Worst service always. Took 30 minutes to finally talk to a person and so I could barely understand them. Told him I forgot my pin and he told me how happy he was to assistance me with that. Kickoff thing he asks for is my pin. Then I enquire him to ship me the verification code to my email. I tell him the email and inquire him to confirm it. He cant, he says. So, no assist, patently ran by and staffed witless imbeciles.


Currently have been on the phone with customer service for 40 minutes trying to become them to help me fix my boyfriends hotspot. nosotros've been using it for months and repaid it yesterday and it is not working. the lady nosotros are on the phone with ignores united states, has a major mental attitude, and is doing absolutely nothing to aid that nosotros oasis't already done ourselves. don't fifty-fifty waste your time.

Practise Non BUY FROM Straight Talk

This company is USELESS. Got a great deal on a phone merely couldn't get it activated!! Over a 25 hour menstruation, I fabricated many, many calls. I kept getting hung up on or disconnected. Never got to talk to anyone that could help. I also bought mostly plans for both myself and my wife, neither of which ever got used since I couldn't get the phone activated.
The but way I finally got to talk to someone in their porting department was to purchase a new phone from Verizon and told their porting section what was happening and to finish whatsoever transfer to Straightalk. Verizon's porting section called direct talk and forwarded the call to me. The man I spoke to was rude and useless.
I will say that Straightalk was quick to upshot a credit for the charges for the phone and SIM bill of fare but refuse to credit me the $68.00 for the air time plans.
I could understand if either of the airtime plans was activated but that is non the example.
Verizon could not have been more helpful switching me back and getting my new telephone activated.

Customer Service

Service was decent until I needed a new sim card and when I finally received it I went at least iv weeks without data after numerous calls and hours on hold. I finally said screw it and switched to Verizon and when my new sim card arrived from them I was fix upward in less than thirty minutes with no telephone calls to be made. I also noticed when i got Verizon'due south sim menu my phone was Style backside on software updates, and so possibly Direct Talk's sim bill of fare may hold your telephone back from updating. Fundamental takeaway is Straight Talks client service is TERRIBLE. Worst I've e'er dealt with.

I should have read the reviews for this…

I should have read the reviews for this company first. I bought a SIM carte from them and unlimited data for 30 days to use while visiting in the US. The bundle says it'due south compatible with sure unlocked phones which mine was. Merely when I tried to use information technology they said it wasn't compatible. What a waste material of €55. Plus the people you talk to in the customer service are hard to understand.

I will never use straight talk over again

I volition never use straight talk again. Transferring my phone number took more iv hours of speaking to representatives and their website does not readily give you your personal information including your account number. I'chiliad about to rip my hair out of my head bc of how painful information technology is to use striaght talk. i'm pissed

Direct TALK Customer SERVICE IS…

Straight TALK Customer SERVICE IS Absurd!!! I HATE HATE Detest THEM!!!! I WAS ON HOLD for over 1hour 15minutes So transferred and DISCONNETED!!!! DONT WASTE YOUR Fourth dimension, Coin, OR MORE IMPORTANTLY, YOUR SANITY!!! BAN STRAIGHT TALK


This is the worst service experience ever. I take been with Straight Talk for 3 yrs 2d upgrade 1st was seamless number ported over and everything. This one OMG 1st I paid for overnight aircraft didn't become the package till a calendar week later. 2nd become the telephone and activation fails. I have been thru several agents in one case they deceit figure out what's going on they hang upwards. Warning DONT TRUST THIS SERVICE I cant wait to swap

I went to change my phone number…

I take had this phone# for a minute though, new phone; am moving back down to Florida therefore, wanted to modify my phone# to Florida# {have changed phone# once before, was no outcome last telephone# change} after requesting new phone# had shut my phone off, turned it back on and even waited an hour though, wasn't given my new number like requested and showed on my phone, still have old number ane I idea was existence changed... called customer service and even though I've had this phone# for a minute, just paid my beak am #good to April 25th, they had me answer ALL these security questions etc. and in the finish, they wasn't able to give me my new phone# and my phone, bags because, my phone# I wanted to alter, no longer exists; AM HEATED

I spent iv+ HOURS on line with customer…

I spent four+ HOURS on line with client disservice to actuate my new device b/c they messed up porting my phone number WITHIN THEIR Ain NETWORK. Half a year later and I cannot access my account or reset the password using the electronic mail link they sent me. the online C.Southward. chatline was completely unhelpful. If y'all want to spend hours talking to customer service and expect days for resolution, then this is the perfect plan for you you!

This business is run past complete morons…

This business is run by complete morons that take absolutely no clue what they are doing. The customer service is the worst I have ever experienced. They exercise not care virtually their customers, even those such as myself who has ignorantly been a customer for 5+ years. I requested a call from them yesterday, only to never receive that telephone call. That shows how much I matter to them as a valued client. I will be looking for another phone provider shortly.

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